The main objectives for WP2 Steels were:
Published reports are:
The last Genenal Assembly Meeting has been held in France (Lyon) in January 2018 as the CAST Final Symposium. Presentations from this work package at this symposium were:
Overview of Main WP2 outcomes, summary and conclusions - Jens Mibus (NAGRA)
Formation and status of 14C in activated steel - Michel Herm (KIT)
Analytical techniques and their application - Benjamin Cvetkovic (PSI)
Leaching tests and speciation measurements - Eva de Visser-Týnová (NRG)
14C release from steels : state of the art from pre- to post-CAST - Steve Swanton (Wood)
Possible fate of inorganic 14C released from activated steel under conditions of a geological repository - Laurent Charlet (University of Grenoble)
Poster that were presented and are relevant for this work package were:
Corrosion tests of non-irradiated stainless steel by hydrogen measurement system
Analytical strategy for the measurement of carbon-14 in alkaline solution
14C release from steels under aerobic conditions
Carbon-14 release and speciation from carbon steel in highly alkaline conditions
Contact: Jens Mibus